
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Major Reason Why Love Fades

Hi guys, I'll be explaining this with a short story. Few months ago, I did something unusual. One day, I woke up being annoyed with how I couldn't stay disciplined with my dieting, and I decided not to eat for 3 days. A complete 72 hours without any kind of food, except water. I wanted to test my willpower! 

What Happens To Your Body When You Don't Shower

You may or may not have known that the world's dirtiest man nicknamed Amou Haji from Iran, is dead at age 94. The last time he had his bath was at age 34 - meaning that he didn't shower for 60 years! 😱 photo credit : Getty Images

The Truth About Relationships That No One Tells You

Hi guys, these are some of the facts I've learnt about relationships, and I hope you find them useful!  1. It's possible to spend all your time with someone for lots of years, and not get sick of them, and also love them more than when you first got together. Most people think you will get bored when you've been with someone for a long time, but it's not always true! Couples who understand each other, and truly love each other, tend to share this bond. 2. In a relationship where only one person gives, it'll always be that way! The one who takes will always take, and the one who gives will always give. At times the roles might switch but usually it remains the same. This doesn't just apply to couple relationships; it happens in friendships, and family (siblings, parents, guardians) relationships as well. 3. If they have no respect for you, they will say and do what they want without regards for your thoughts or feelings. It's that simple, and this applies...

How To Get Rid Of Pimples And Fade Black Spots At Home Using Egg Yolk, Honey And Turmeric Face Masks

Hi guys, how y’all doing? If you’ve been following my skincare posts for a while, you’ll know how much I love natural skincare, and my favorite skincare mantra is if it’s good for your body health, then it’s good for your skin health — so feed your skin that too! Even though our skin reflects what we eat — to an extent! photo credit : asianet I love face masks a lot — especially these natural ones; and this egg yolk, turmeric, and honey face mask is one of my favorites. It's great for those who have dry skin. Egg yolks are a great source of moisture. Honey, on the other hand, helps to restore the hydration levels of your skin. Both of them together nourish your skin cells, and give you that radiant glow.