17 Thing Every Man Needs To Know Before Getting Married
Hi guys, I strongly believe this will help every man who's planning to get married someday, and even the ones that are already married. Someone shared these points with me, and I thought to edit, add my own points, and share with you guys because he made so much sense. I've always said that parents - especially mothers prepare their daughters for marriage - to be a perfect wife for a man, and little to no efforts are made into grooming the boy child to be a good man or a good husband to their wives. Sometimes, this leads to a man not knowing how to treat a woman, or they believe they're meant to do whatever they want. Other times, they adopt the behaviors of parents - you know like how their dad treated or treats their mum or how they've seen other men treat their women. I hope these help you to know or understand what marriage is about. So read, and share your thoughts with me.. 1. Before marriage, understand your purpose in life - where you're headed, and why you ...