
9 Psychological Facts About Love

Let me start by saying that I'm not a love nor a relationship expert; but I've found these to be true. Growing up, I never questioned what love is because I had a lot of it from my family; and I'll simply tell anyone that love is genuine care, and selflessness.  I once read a Christian book that said that Agape Love  is the purest form of love, but I'm not defining what love is, or is not, today! Below, I'll be sharing some psychological facts about love especially for romantic relationships. Photo Credit : Unsplash

What Are You Afraid Of?

I was listening to gospel music today, and I started thinking about certain things; and one of them was fear. I asked myself what I'm afraid of, and my answer was weakness . I don't like to show weakness, nor vulnerability; and if you ever experience that part of me, then I really love, and trust you a lot. I generally don't like pity nor sympathy from anyone. If you ever going to do something for me, then let it be out of love, not out of sympathy, or pity.  Photo credit : Times Of India When I lost my parents, I barely told anyone; and even when I posted about it, I ended it with, "please don't tell me sorry". I lost the human that loved me the most - my mum; and I may never be able to get her love, and understanding from any human again. De@th is a part of life so I don't worry so much about that. However, I decided to share this - maybe it will encourage someone - there is nothing you lose that you can't get back except a loved one!

How Living A Private Life Can Make You Stronger And Happier

I’ll be sharing this based on my personal experience; but let me explain what it means to live a private life. It means not sharing every personal detail about your life publicly. However, privacy is not the same as secrecy because people often confuse the two. Also, living a private life doesn't mean that you shouldn’t ask for help when you're in dire need of it. As an introvert, I keep most personal stuff to myself; but I used to trust easily until I learned the hard way. I learned that not everyone means well for you; and the scary part of it is that you may never know.  Photo Credit: Deposit photos

How To Find A Partner In 2023

Hi guys, this post is about finding/attracting the right person to spend the rest of your life with so I hope you find it really helpful. I believe that everything starts with you. Read on, and find out how you can attract the right partner:

4 Warning Signs That A Guy Is Not Interested In Being Serious With You

Hey guys, you ever had doubts on whether a man truly wants you or not? You take them seriously but you are not sure if they’re taking you seriously too.  Credit : Vixen Daily Below are four glaring signs a man doesn’t care about being with you: 

10 Things I Stopped Doing That Gave Me Peace And Made Me A Happier Person

Hi, thank you for stopping by. So few days ago, I did some thinking, and reflected on my behavior. I realized that it's been a couple of things I used to do that I don't do anymore. To me, it was growth, and I was truly proud of it, and thought to share because you may find them helpful! Here are 10 things I’ve stopped doing:

8 Money Lies You Tell Yourself That Can Keep You Broke

Sometimes we don’t even know we tell ourselves these lies. They’re often disguised as beliefs which I’ve come to understand that not all beliefs are facts; and these ones I’m about to share with you are just typical examples of lies we often tell ourselves!.. sorry. Image credit : Fast forward accounting Since we barely discuss money with friends, acquaintances, or family, we often find ourselves dwelling on these beliefs for a long time until we’re out of money, and maybe realize how much we’ve fxxked up.

10 Ways To Develop Emotional Maturity

Hi guys, these are some of the steps I took towards having a stronger hold of my emotions; and I hope you find it helpful! 1. Trust the timing of your life, not someone else’s. 2. Break free from the rules you place on yourself . “Should“, “Shouldn’t“, “I better do”. Strive to be true to yourself instead. Image credit : Health shot

How To Get Back An Ex You Still Love

Hi guys let me start by saying that you can’t make anyone who doesn’t want to come back, to come back but these steps may work if they still love you so it’s worth a try! Following my last post on “How to get over an ex you still love”, I said I was going to write about this too because I also know how hard it can be to get over someone — especially when it seems they have moved on, and you haven’t.

11 Ways To get Over An Ex You Still Love

Hi guys, on this topic, I’m going to be as realistic as possible! The truth is that it’s not easy to get over someone you once loved, still love, or have memories with; and sometimes breakups or heartbreaks are tough — especially when you didn’t see them coming. I’m here to guide you on ways you can move on from someone who doesn’t want you anymore, or when it’s no longer working!  Photo credit : exbackpermanently Before I share how you can move on from an ex, I'll need you to pause for a minute, and ask yourself if this person was actually good to you, and good for you. If your answer is yes, then keep reading! If your answer is no, then you should be halfway to moving on. The first thing is to: 1. Try Again Pride aside, if this person is worth fighting for, go on and see if you can fix things — especially if you're the one who wronged them, and they initiated the breakup. Now I’m not asking you to beg! There’s a difference between a genuine apology, and begging.  Don...

Is Cooking Solely For Women?

I read a true life of how a man set his wife ab.laze because he was an.gry she didn’t prepare food for him. It’s not just that she didn’t make his food, but she was literally washing his clothes at the moment he wanted food! In a typical African home, cooking is solely a woman’s responsibility hence a man doesn’t bother learning how to cook because he’s been taught that he’ll grow up someday, get married, and have his wife prepare every of his meals when he’s hungry! Image credit : Pixabay

10 Reasons Why Some People Don't Succeed In Life

I'm someone who believes that you either win or you learn. I do not like to use the word failure ; but for a better understanding of this post, I'll be doing that.  Photo credit : The failure syndrome I know we often say life is unfair which is true; but sometimes we are the architect of our problems because of how we use our time, our mindsets, and our beliefs! Many people have so many definitions of success, and it's not always monetary; but failure's definition is more like a one size fits all clothing - which is the inability to succeed at something. 

13 Things To Keep In Mind If You Always Want To Be Happy

One thing about me is that I will always find a way to be happy - regardless of what I'm going through! You will barely hear me complain about anything; and this has often given people the impression that I don't have problems. Oh well. ..

Men Also Have A Type And That's Okay

I kind of felt the need to write about this because I'm used to girls and women always talking about the kind of man they want; and it's always TDRH (Tall, Dark, Rich, and Handsome).  Somehow, it's very okay when a woman lists all the qualities she wants in a man; but when a man does, it's a problem. Why is that? Let's talk about it!